Vallejo - Textures of Sand, Earth & Stone
We will look today at interesting products Vallejo company that can be used in your dioramas and to create bases for the figures.
Przyjrzymy się dzisiaj ciekawym produktom firmy Vallejo, które mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w waszych dioramach oraz przy tworzeniu podstawek do figurek.
From the Vallejo Website:
Brown Earth 26.219
Textures of earth and sand formulated with permanent pigments, microparticles and acrylic resin. This slightly gritty base can be applied with a brush or, painting knife and is perfect for all surfaces and terrains of dioramas. The products can be shaped before drying to achieve low relief textures such as truck and tank tracks, and they can be mixed with all other products of this range. If a less structured surface is required, the textures can be thinned down with water (20% to 40%).
Textures of earth and sand formulated with permanent pigments, microparticles and acrylic resin. This slightly gritty base can be applied with a brush or, painting knife and is perfect for all surfaces and terrains of dioramas. The products can be shaped before drying to achieve low relief textures such as truck and tank tracks, and they can be mixed with all other products of this range. If a less structured surface is required, the textures can be thinned down with water (20% to 40%).
Packaging: In 200 ml. pots
Textures of earth and sand formulated with permanent pigments, microparticles and acrylic resin. This slightly gritty base can be applied with a brush or, painting knife and is perfect for all surfaces and terrains of dioramas. The products can be shaped before drying to achieve low relief textures such as truck and tank tracks, and they can be mixed with all other products of this range. If a less structured surface is required, the textures can be thinned down with water (20% to 40%).
Packaging: In 200 ml. pots
Rough Grey Pumice 26.213
Rough Grey Pumice is a very heavy paste of natural grey pumice stone. For surface building and the formation of extra high reliefs and peaks. Dries completely opaque. For more flexibility, add some Extra Heavy Gel.
Packaging: In 200 ml. pots

A paste of marble dust and titanium white of high density. The product dries to a thick, stone hard finish which can be carved and sanded. For surface building and extra high reliefs the paste should be applied in layers, allowing each to dry before applying the next. If a more flexible product is required, mix in some Extra Heavy Gel, ref. 26.535.
Packaging: In 200 ml. pots![]() |
Example of use Grey Pumice 26.213 on the base. |
Wszystkie powyższe pasty sa pakowane w 200ml plastikowe słoiki. To spora ilość, którą trudno wykorzystać przy pracach nad figurkami. Producent dał więc możliwość zakupienia zestawu zawierającego dwie pasty i dwa efekty wody w znacznie mniejszych opakowaniach o pojemności 30ml. To dobre rozwiązanie, żeby wydać mniej pieniędzy i sprawdzić samemu poszczególne produkty.
Red Oxide Earth 26.236
Textures of earth and sand formulated with permanent pigments, microparticles and acrylic resin. This slightly gritty base can be applied with a brush or, painting knife and is perfect for all surfaces and terrains of dioramas. The products can be shaped before drying to achieve low relief textures such as truck and tank tracks, and they can be mixed with all other products of this range. If a less structured surface is required, the textures can be thinned down with water (20% to 40%).
Sandy Paste 26.232
Textures of earth and sand formulated with permanent pigments, microparticles and acrylic resin. This slightly gritty base can be applied with a brush or, painting knife and is perfect for all surfaces and terrains of dioramas. The products can be shaped before drying to achieve low relief textures such as truck and tank tracks, and they can be mixed with all other products of this range. If a less structured surface is required, the textures can be thinned down with water (20% to 40%).
In summary, as shown above testures of Vallejo is a very interesting product, strongly accelerating work on the dioramas or bases of our figures. Provide a diverse look and texture when dry. For me, the biggest advantage is speed is used. This product is ready to use straight from the package. Of course, all of these effects, we can do personally with sand, pepper, Milliput. PVA glue or special type of products company AK Interactive. So you have to decide for themselves which solution is best for you.
Podsumowując, pokazane powyżej pasty firmy Vallejo są bardzo ciekawym produktem, zdecydowanie przyśpieszającym pracę nad dioramami lub podstawkami naszych figurek. Zapewniają zróżnicowany wygląd i teksturę po wyschnięciu. Dla mnie ich największą zaletą jest jest szybkość użycia. To produkt gotowy do użycia prosto z opakowania. Oczywiście wszystkie powyższe efekty możemy wykonać własnoręcznie przy uzyciu piasku, pieprzu, Milliput. kleju typu wikol czy specjalnych środków firmy AK Interactive. Musicie więc sami zdecydować, które rozwiązanie jest dla Was optymalne.
Have fun painting,
It may also be interested in one of my previous articles - Burn your plinth…